RVB Juniors – Welcome to our new Indoor Season 2015-2016

A warm welcome back to another year of junior volleyball with RVB. I’m pleased to enclose information for the 2015-16 season.
We start back w/c 7th September with all sessions and age groups.
Please note we have 2 new training sessions this year- winter volleyball for YR3-YR6 and YR7-YR9. These will be mixed sessions.
I would like to wish all the players good luck in their different teams & leagues and to say thank you to all the club coaches, referees and volunteers who support our many matches and community events.
Following up from our conversations with parents, players and community partners I’m pleased to report that we’re to continue growing our junior coaching and playing programmes to further develop junior volleyball.
The objective of this season is to strengthen and develop our community relationship so young people can enjoy and develop their volleyball skills in a supportive environment, we aim to:
• Provide high intensity technical training which will allow young children to progress quickly to compete not only in their school team but also progress to RVB JR teams that compete in the South London Leagues (local/county standard) and into RVB Regional and National League Junior performance teams.
• Continue to build on our club’s junior success. Last year RVB achieved 5 Gold; 5 Silver & 8 Bronze National Medals & 5 players represented England Cadets (3 female & 2 male) in the UK School Games (U17).
• To expand and grow our coaching for kids of primary school age in particular YR3- YR6.
RVB will be running the following junior sessions:
u18 National League Juniors (Boys) – Advance/Performance
• Sunday’s 11.00 am to 1.00 pm (14 to 18 years) (Compulsory)
• Wednesday 8pm to 9.3pm Richmond College, Twickenham (Compulsory)
• Monday 8pm to 10am Christ School, Richmond (additional)
• £40 Annual NVL Club Membership
• £270.00 Full season (half-season/monthly options available)
U18 National League Juniors (Girls) – Advance/Performance
• Sunday’s 11.00 am to 1.00 pm (14 to 18 years) Compulsory
• Wednesday 6.30-8pm Richmond College, Twickenham (Compulsory)
• £40 Annual NVL Club Membership
• £270.00 Full season (half-season/monthly options available)
Volleyball Development Centre (Kingston College Arena)
• Sunday’s 11.00 am to 1.00 pm (14 to 18 years) advanced
• Sunday’s 09.30 am to 11.00 am (12 to 16 years) intermediate
• Boys and girls sessions coached separately
• £15 Annual membership (includes club t-shirt)
• £120 full season training (£60 half-season option)
• £25 National Championships (charged once)
Junior Volleyball Satellite Clubs (Mixed Sessions, Beginner, Improver & Intermediate)
• Wednesday 6.30pm to 8pm (12 to 15 years old), Richmond College, Twickenham
• £15 Annual membership (includes club t-shirt)
• £120 full season training (£60 half-season option)
New for this season – Winter Beach Volleyball
Saturday 11.30am to 1pm (7 to 11 years old) Teddington Beach, Broom Rd
• Saturday 1pm to 2.30pm (11 to 14 years old) Teddington Beach, Broom Rd
• £15 Annual membership (includes club t-shirt)
• £120 full season training (£60 half-season option)
South London League
Many RVB JR players also compete in the Adult Local League. If you have interest to play – please let me know
Match nights
• Monday 7pm to 10am (12 to 18+) Improver, Intermediate, Advance
• Tuesday 7pm to 10am (12 to 18+) Improver, Intermediate, Advance
• Matches start w/c 28 September 2015
• £40.00 full season matches only
Please note beginners are also welcome at the sessions, but will need to show commitment to training and learning. This sessions will run during term time only. Children can
join the club mid way through term if there is space with payment/permission slip returned.
I hope you find this information useful. If you have any questions about membership and ways to improve your volleyball experience with RVB please get in touch with me. HAVE A GREAT SEASON!
Thank you and see you all soon