Review 2014 RVB Junior Achievements

Another fantastic year of achievements made possible due to hard work and commitment from all the players, coaches, parents and volunteers at Richmond Volleyball. Thank you all!
2014 Beach Volleyball
•British Championships – Girls U12 Champions
•British Championships – Girls U14 Champions
•British Championships – Boys U14 Champions & Silver Medallists
•British Championships – Girls U16 Silver Medallists
•British Championships – Boys U16 Champions
•London Rising Stars – Girls U13 & U16 Champions
•London Rising Stars – Boys u13 & U16 Champions
2014 County
•8 boys played in South London Volleyball League – Men’s Div 1 Champions (Young Guns)
•4 boys played with RVB in Surrey League Men’s Div1 – Champions
•4 boys played with RVB in SEVA Men’s Cup (Runners-Up)
2014 Regional
•Sport England Satellite Club Award 1st (2013/14) Heathside School – South East Region
Coached by RVB – London Youth Games
•Richmond Borough in the U18s LYG Girls – Bronze Medallists
•Kingston Borough in the u18 LYG Boys – Bronze Medallists
•Kingston Borough in the u18 LYG Girls – Bronze Medallists
2014 Inter-Regionals
•9 RVB boys players represented South East at the Volleyball England u15 Boys Inter-Regional Championships (4th)
•1 RVB girl player represented London at the at the Volleyball England u15 Girls Inter-Regional Championships (1st)
2014 National Junior Cup
RVB Junior Club performances ranked 5th spot on a par with and outperforming some VE Regional Academies. It is also an improvement on the results from last year.
RVB Boys :
•u15 National Cup – Last 6s (5th)
•u16 National Cup – Last 8s (5th)
•u18 National Cup -2nd Qualifying round (3rd)
•u18 National Grand Prix -Last 8s (6th)
RVB Girls :
•u15 National Cup – Last 6s (5th)
•u16 National Cup -2nd Qualifying round (3rd)
•u18 National Cup -2nd Qualifying round (3rd)
•u18 National Grand Prix – Last 8s (8th)
2014 National Volleyball League (NVL)
•2 girls played with RVB Women’s 1st team in the NVL Div 2 South
•4 boys played with RVB Men’s 1st team in the NVL Div 2 South
2014/15 New NVL Teams “u19 Youth Academy”
•1st season Men’s Youth Academy playing in NVL Men’s Div 3 South East (average age 16)
•1st season Women’s Youth Academy playing in NVL Women’s Div 3 South (average age 16)
2014 National Squads
•2 players training with England Cadets (6 players invited to trials)
RVB Junior Centre of Excellence is becoming a popular hub for junior players in SW London & Surrey. The Centre is rapidly expanding through an extensive community schools programme in several boroughs and established satellite clubs. With the aim of developing local talents to the highest performance standard, the RVB Centre now provides separate sessions for beginners/improvers and advanced players and attracts young players from the age of 8.
Best wishes for 2015